Some resources for you as you begin to master the most vexing elements of punctuation, the humble comma.

The second AP Language essay will be due on Sunday, September 25 at 12:00 p.m. The prompt is located here.

Please submit your document to and read the prompt before you write. It has specific quotes you can use to make your essay stronger.

For this draft, make sure that your paragraphs have logical organization, specific details, and a dash of metaphorical language. Don’t forget your naysayers, STAMPY intros, and short conclusions.


Multiple choice practice questions for AP are here.

The To Kill a Mockinbird test will require you to answer five paragraph-long responses from this list of questions. On the day of the test, I will give you six questions and and you will choose five to answer. To prepare for the test, please review the book and go back over key passages. High-scoring responses will reference specific details from the text and contain a strong central argument.

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We’ll wait until the start of the second semester to restart discussion group.