Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)
Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)
Mildren Loving, the incredibly appropriately named woman at the center of the Supreme Court decision that struck down anti-miscegenation laws, died last Friday. Hers is a pretty remarkable story, certainly worth remembering.
Things to Avoid in Your Introductions Avoid opening with questions, especially rhetorical questions. You want to open with a powerful, specific statement, not a weak question. Do not open with a quotation as the opening line. You may use a brief (2-3 word) phrase, especially in poetry essays, but a whole quote belongs as evidence […]
Mildren Loving, the incredibly appropriately named woman at the center of the Supreme Court decision that struck down anti-miscegenation laws, died last Friday. Hers is a pretty remarkable story, certainly worth remembering.
Things to Avoid in Your Introductions Avoid opening with questions, especially rhetorical questions. You want to open with a powerful, specific statement, not a weak question. Do not open with a quotation as the opening line. You may use a brief (2-3 word) phrase, especially in poetry essays, but a whole quote belongs as evidence […]