1. Feminism is not about ordinary women; it’s a radical and elitist movement that better reflects the values and needs of academics out of touch with the needs of working women.
  2. Feminism is a war against men that regards women and victims and men as oppressors.
  3. Feminism has hurt families:
    1. Feminists promote career and sexual liberation, leading to:
      1. delayed marriage and babies.
      2. regret in middle-age about misplaced focus.
      3. increased rates of abortion, used as a form of birth control.
  4. Feminism leads to misandry (the hatred of men)
    1. feminists always prefer the interests of women over men
    2. feminists regard men as violent, dangerous
  5. Feminism hurts men in practical terms:
    1. Educational achievement (The War Against Boys by Christina Hoff Summers)
    2. Decreased focus on male health (prostate cancer versus breast cancer funding)
    3. Fear of discrimination claims leads to discrimination against men
  6. Family Law Hurts Men
    1. 90% of contested child custody suits lead to women gaining custody.
    2. Men are more frequently required to pay alimony/child support.
  7. Even Women Are Not Feminists
    1. Feminism is associated with dour humorlessness and man-hating
    2. 72% of Americans do not identify as feminists
    3. Only 38% of women claim they are feminists.
  8. Rape Culture Victimizes Men
    1. Men are presumed to be violent, harassing attackers
    2. Broad majority of men are blamed for the actions of a few
    3. False claims of sexual assault
      1. High End of Statistics says as many as 40% of claims are false
      2. The FBI says that 8% of sexual assault claims are “unfounded.”
    4. The idea of rape culture pathologizes normal sexual behavior
    5. Men live in constant fear of sexual assault claims
  9. The End of Men (article by Hannah Rosin)
    1. For every two men who get a college degree in the United States, 3 women do.
    2. Women are the majority of those in law school and graduate schools.
    3. Women have a majority of the jobs in the United States.
    4. 13 of the 15 jobs predicted to have the most growth in the United States are traditionally held by women.
    5. Traditionally male jobs (construction, manufacturing, high finance) are in steep decline.
      1. In the Great Recession, 75% of the 8 million jobs lost were lost by men.
      2. Rosin writes, “the U.S. economy is in some ways becoming a kind of traveling sisterhood: upper-class women leave home and enter the workforce, creating domestic jobs for other women to fill.”