Entries by dpogreba

AP Style Introductions

Things to Avoid in Your Introductions Avoid opening with questions, especially rhetorical questions. You want to open with a powerful, specific statement, not a weak question. Do not open with a quotation as the opening line. You may use a brief (2-3 word) phrase, especially in poetry essays, but a whole quote belongs as evidence […]

Writing the Poetry Response

What Does It Mean To Explicate a Poem? The most important task is to analyze the meaning of the poem. Explore and explain its theme, as well as any sub-themes that appear. Analyze poetic devices and their use. Explain summarize the meaning of the poem. Some Strategies to Successfully Explicate a Poem As you read, […]

Writing the Prose Response Essay

The Ten Commandments of the Prose Response I.Read the Prompt Closely and Carefully Make sure to look for the specific requirements of the prompt. Circle or underline them before you read the actual passage. If a prompt demands specific analysis of a particular device, you must do it. If it suggests a particular device, I […]

One More Revision of the Site

Since it’s been almost two months, I decided it was time to try a new look for the site. I am hoping to have something a bit cleaner that emphasizes the information that is most important. What do you think?