Quixotic Pedagogue

AP Language: Kennedy Analysis Suggestions

Since you just received a score on the Kennedy analysis, I’ve included a few resources to help you understand how you can do better on the next one.

Some general comments:

  1. Don’t talk about vague references to rhetorical devices, especially in the thesis statement. Unless the passage has a dominant set of devices, just leave that out.
  2. Kennedy uses really powerful language to condemn the steel companies, to argue they are selfish/destructive. Emphasize that powerful diction.
  3. The structure of much of the piece is the contrast between the small number of steel company executives and the interests of the whole nation. That constant use of juxtaposition and antithesis is critical to the text.
  4. A logical structure for diving the piece is: attack on the selfishness of the steel companies, and illustration that they don’t need the increase, and his threat of government action.
  5. Sharpen topic sentences. They don’t need to be four lines long.
  6. Combine sentences.



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