Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

A reminder about late essays. While you can (and should) turn in any essays from this semester by the beginning of finals week, you need to print them and bring them to me in class, not share them in Google Docs. That will make sure that I find your old essays and give you credit […]

Your 8th essay of the semester, on reparations for slavery, will be due on Sunday, January 8th at 12:00. Please limit your use of outside research and information and submit your response via Google Docs to dpogreba@gmail.com. The prompt is available here. Some readings you might find helpful are located here: The Case for Reparations […]

A reminder about late essays. While you can (and should) turn in any essays from this semester by the beginning of finals week, you need to print them and bring them to me in class, not share them in Google Docs. That will make sure that I find your old essays and give you credit […]

Your 8th essay of the semester, on reparations for slavery, will be due on Sunday, January 8th at 12:00. Please limit your use of outside research and information and submit your response via Google Docs to dpogreba@gmail.com. The prompt is available here. Some readings you might find helpful are located here: The Case for Reparations […]