Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

For our first debate, we’ll debate gun control. These will be the questions: Should the federal government ban “assault weapons”? Would increased gun control decrease gun violence and/or crime? Does the Second Amendment permit increased gun control? Does gun ownership increase personal safety?  

Some assistance for the Sanders essay you’re all so excited to write this weekend. Analysis Essay Notes Topic Sentence Cheat Sheet Annotation of the First Paragraph The prompt is here (on page 9) in the event any of you have misplaced it.   Two sample first draft paragraphs are located below: Sample #1 Sanders opens […]

For our first debate, we’ll debate gun control. These will be the questions: Should the federal government ban “assault weapons”? Would increased gun control decrease gun violence and/or crime? Does the Second Amendment permit increased gun control? Does gun ownership increase personal safety?  

Some assistance for the Sanders essay you’re all so excited to write this weekend. Analysis Essay Notes Topic Sentence Cheat Sheet Annotation of the First Paragraph The prompt is here (on page 9) in the event any of you have misplaced it.   Two sample first draft paragraphs are located below: Sample #1 Sanders opens […]