Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Lostapalooza begins Thursday night in Room 14. We will be watching, over the next three weeks, Season two of Lost on the big screen. Feel free to bring homework; we'll leave a light on to get some work done. Snacks are fine as well.  

Week One   A la carte– individual food items Abate– to diminish, lessen in intensity Abeyance– temporary break, or stopping Abject–brought low in condition or status; wretched Abjure– to renounce or give up rights or loyalty Abrade– to erode Abscond–to depart in secrecy, usually for evil purposes Abstruse— hard to understand, hidden Accede–to give one’s […]

Lostapalooza begins Thursday night in Room 14. We will be watching, over the next three weeks, Season two of Lost on the big screen. Feel free to bring homework; we'll leave a light on to get some work done. Snacks are fine as well.  

Week One   A la carte– individual food items Abate– to diminish, lessen in intensity Abeyance– temporary break, or stopping Abject–brought low in condition or status; wretched Abjure– to renounce or give up rights or loyalty Abrade– to erode Abscond–to depart in secrecy, usually for evil purposes Abstruse— hard to understand, hidden Accede–to give one’s […]