Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)


I spaced actually publishing these to the main page. If you would still rather write about Heart of Darkness, you can take until the 28th. Love in the Time of Cholera essays are still due on the 27th.  1. Chinua Achebe argued that Heart of Darkness is an “offensive and deplorable book” that “set[s] Africa […]

Fun story. Last summer, I wrote a topic paper advocating that the high school debate community debate Africa for a year. You can find the paper here: www.nfhs.org/core/contentmanager/uploads/Africa06.pdf Today, while researching, I came across a newspaper in Africa that was eerily familiar: http://www.globalpolicy.org/socecon/develop/africa/2006/0723poverty.htm Lesson of the day? Don't plagiarize, kids. 


I spaced actually publishing these to the main page. If you would still rather write about Heart of Darkness, you can take until the 28th. Love in the Time of Cholera essays are still due on the 27th.  1. Chinua Achebe argued that Heart of Darkness is an “offensive and deplorable book” that “set[s] Africa […]

Fun story. Last summer, I wrote a topic paper advocating that the high school debate community debate Africa for a year. You can find the paper here: www.nfhs.org/core/contentmanager/uploads/Africa06.pdf Today, while researching, I came across a newspaper in Africa that was eerily familiar: http://www.globalpolicy.org/socecon/develop/africa/2006/0723poverty.htm Lesson of the day? Don't plagiarize, kids.