Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

If I suggested that you look at the essay format outline or the quotations, please go review them at the wiki:  Quotations Essay Format Strategy  Some sample poems to practice figuring out thematic divisions A Soliloquy of the Moon Poem Catching Up with an Idea These, I, Singing in Spring Five per cent better each […]

Schedule for the 11 Essays of Doom   Date Due  Prompt CB Sample Class Sample Monday,4/23 Crossing the Swamp   Here   Tuesday, 4/24  Evening Hawk    Here     Wednesday, 4/25  Five A.M./Five Flights   Here   Thursday, 4/26  To Paint a Water Lily   Here   Friday, 4/28  Poetry Revision   Here Monday, 4/30 "Gentlefolks…"   Here […]

If I suggested that you look at the essay format outline or the quotations, please go review them at the wiki:  Quotations Essay Format Strategy  Some sample poems to practice figuring out thematic divisions A Soliloquy of the Moon Poem Catching Up with an Idea These, I, Singing in Spring Five per cent better each […]

Schedule for the 11 Essays of Doom   Date Due  Prompt CB Sample Class Sample Monday,4/23 Crossing the Swamp   Here   Tuesday, 4/24  Evening Hawk    Here     Wednesday, 4/25  Five A.M./Five Flights   Here   Thursday, 4/26  To Paint a Water Lily   Here   Friday, 4/28  Poetry Revision   Here Monday, 4/30 "Gentlefolks…"   Here […]