Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

The notes for the debate class quiz over ethics are located here. Please make sure to take some time to review them tonight. The quiz will be short answer and a few short paragraph responses.

Some thoughts for all of the AP McCarthy prose responses, as you approach your revision. 1. Be careful about the use of the passive voice. You want each sentence to be active, reflecting how McCarthy creates meaning in the passage. Active voice is always preferable in these essays and will help you avoid plot summary […]

The notes for the debate class quiz over ethics are located here. Please make sure to take some time to review them tonight. The quiz will be short answer and a few short paragraph responses.

Some thoughts for all of the AP McCarthy prose responses, as you approach your revision. 1. Be careful about the use of the passive voice. You want each sentence to be active, reflecting how McCarthy creates meaning in the passage. Active voice is always preferable in these essays and will help you avoid plot summary […]