Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Some Nights Are Difficult for Me, Listen by James Tipton

Some nights are difficult for me, listen:
I want to talk about that hunger
that rises up in the old house;
I want to talk about the loneliness
that wakes at two a.m.
and stares at the deserted bed;

Because You Left Me A Handful of Daffodils by Max Garland

I suddenly thought of Brenda Hatfield, queen
of the 5th grade, Concord Elementary.
A very thin, shy girl, almost
as tall as Audrey Hepburn,
but blond.

Some Nights Are Difficult for Me, Listen by James Tipton

Some nights are difficult for me, listen:
I want to talk about that hunger
that rises up in the old house;
I want to talk about the loneliness
that wakes at two a.m.
and stares at the deserted bed;

Because You Left Me A Handful of Daffodils by Max Garland

I suddenly thought of Brenda Hatfield, queen
of the 5th grade, Concord Elementary.
A very thin, shy girl, almost
as tall as Audrey Hepburn,
but blond.