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(Helena, MT) –Passion erupted in the courtroom the past two days as the trial of Mark Twain continued, featuring more prosecution witnesses and the opening of the defense’s case. The courtroom was packed with curious onlookers, wondering if America’s most celebrated realist would be banned from the classroom.

Aubade* for the Executioner by Deborah Digges

There are some truths for whom, since their conception,
the way is doomed,
so that the whole of their lives—
though they be lifted, it might seem,
out of themselves,
for a while, rescued—
possess one fate and one alone
which is to tear their way toward death,

(Helena, MT) –Passion erupted in the courtroom the past two days as the trial of Mark Twain continued, featuring more prosecution witnesses and the opening of the defense’s case. The courtroom was packed with curious onlookers, wondering if America’s most celebrated realist would be banned from the classroom.

Aubade* for the Executioner by Deborah Digges

There are some truths for whom, since their conception,
the way is doomed,
so that the whole of their lives—
though they be lifted, it might seem,
out of themselves,
for a while, rescued—
possess one fate and one alone
which is to tear their way toward death,