Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

From the Wall Street Journal:

Detroit has 80,000 abandoned lots and buildings, according to the city’s planning department. Old housing projects, homes, strip malls and even high-rise buildings sit empty across much of the city. Motown has more vacant office, retail and industrial space than nearly every other big city in the country. Click ‘read more’ for images of Detroit.

If we look at the history of the fight against other pollutants—smoke, for instance—the trend is generally upward.  Ever since the first substantial air-pollution regulation was enacted…the more that scientists have identified health risks, the more these emissions have been regulated.  Yet with the exception of the very loudest sound offenders, a chart of the […]

From the Wall Street Journal:

Detroit has 80,000 abandoned lots and buildings, according to the city’s planning department. Old housing projects, homes, strip malls and even high-rise buildings sit empty across much of the city. Motown has more vacant office, retail and industrial space than nearly every other big city in the country. Click ‘read more’ for images of Detroit.

If we look at the history of the fight against other pollutants—smoke, for instance—the trend is generally upward.  Ever since the first substantial air-pollution regulation was enacted…the more that scientists have identified health risks, the more these emissions have been regulated.  Yet with the exception of the very loudest sound offenders, a chart of the […]