Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

The most thorough look at this issue from the perspective here is Thomas Homer-Dixon’s The Upside of Down. He argues “that our circumstances today are surprisingly like Rome’s in key ways. Our societies are also becoming steadily more complex and often more rigid. This is happening partly because we’re trying to manage-often with limited success-stresses […]

A second factor is what is called habituation or the hedonic treadmill. People adapt or habituate to their new incomes. Layard explains this in Happiness: “When I get a new home or a new car, I am excited at first. But then I get used to it, and my mood tends to revert to where […]

The most thorough look at this issue from the perspective here is Thomas Homer-Dixon’s The Upside of Down. He argues “that our circumstances today are surprisingly like Rome’s in key ways. Our societies are also becoming steadily more complex and often more rigid. This is happening partly because we’re trying to manage-often with limited success-stresses […]

A second factor is what is called habituation or the hedonic treadmill. People adapt or habituate to their new incomes. Layard explains this in Happiness: “When I get a new home or a new car, I am excited at first. But then I get used to it, and my mood tends to revert to where […]