Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)


Writing Questions

  • Realism is defined as “a depiction of existence as it appears, without euphemism or evasion; evokes the idea that the things or occurrence that altare portrayed may actually exist.” What makes Resurrection an effective realist text? Does the use of realism detract or enhance from the depiction of Russian life at the turn of the 20th century?
  • Some critics of the novel argue that Resurrection is flawed because of its didactic approach, while others argue that Tolstoy made a devastating, effective critique of Russian society and human nature. Rising above the level of “this book sucked” or “this book rocked”, analyze the effectiveness of Tolstoy’s persuasive appeal for individual and social change.


Two videos on education by Kenneth Robinson: Schools Destroy Creativity Changing Education Paradigms


Writing Questions

  • Realism is defined as “a depiction of existence as it appears, without euphemism or evasion; evokes the idea that the things or occurrence that altare portrayed may actually exist.” What makes Resurrection an effective realist text? Does the use of realism detract or enhance from the depiction of Russian life at the turn of the 20th century?
  • Some critics of the novel argue that Resurrection is flawed because of its didactic approach, while others argue that Tolstoy made a devastating, effective critique of Russian society and human nature. Rising above the level of “this book sucked” or “this book rocked”, analyze the effectiveness of Tolstoy’s persuasive appeal for individual and social change.


Two videos on education by Kenneth Robinson: Schools Destroy Creativity Changing Education Paradigms