Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Your essay about policing in the United States is due by the start of class on Wednesday. Please be sure to read the prompt and follow all of its requirements, including the use of sources and MLA citation. Don’t forget that first drafts should reflect careful editing and attention to detail. You will have some […]

The revision of your Sanders essay will be due on Friday. Please print it and attach it to your previous draft. Make sure that all changes are bolded on your second draft. The revision guide is available here. Please attach the checklist from it to your revision. The CRISPING handout is available here.  

Your essay about policing in the United States is due by the start of class on Wednesday. Please be sure to read the prompt and follow all of its requirements, including the use of sources and MLA citation. Don’t forget that first drafts should reflect careful editing and attention to detail. You will have some […]

The revision of your Sanders essay will be due on Friday. Please print it and attach it to your previous draft. Make sure that all changes are bolded on your second draft. The revision guide is available here. Please attach the checklist from it to your revision. The CRISPING handout is available here.