Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Everyone enjoys visiting Google and seeing a clever doodle celebrating a famous figure or event in human history, but the feminist collective SPARK noticed one glaring problem: the doodles didn’t reflect human diversity. They write: Now that the SPARK team has (almost) recovered from being totally mind-blown by the statistics we’ve uncovered, we’re demanding that Google make […]

The creators of a new app called Spritz are claiming to have developed a program that will greatly increase our ability to read quickly, something seemingly quite necessary in an era in which we read 54,000 words a day. Not everyone agrees that’s possible: Keith Rayner, a psycholinguist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, told […]

Everyone enjoys visiting Google and seeing a clever doodle celebrating a famous figure or event in human history, but the feminist collective SPARK noticed one glaring problem: the doodles didn’t reflect human diversity. They write: Now that the SPARK team has (almost) recovered from being totally mind-blown by the statistics we’ve uncovered, we’re demanding that Google make […]

The creators of a new app called Spritz are claiming to have developed a program that will greatly increase our ability to read quickly, something seemingly quite necessary in an era in which we read 54,000 words a day. Not everyone agrees that’s possible: Keith Rayner, a psycholinguist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, told […]