Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

We’ll meet tonight at 7:00 at Scenic Brew to discuss the New York Times Room for Debate called Testing Students’ True Grit. It’s four brief articles, so try to have read them all.

Your third essay is due on Friday, March 25 in class and should be over the topic of marijuana legalization or the Confederate flag. The essay is due in class on Friday.  If you are leaving early for break, you will need to make arrangements to submit the essay to me before leaving. There are […]

We’ll meet tonight at 7:00 at Scenic Brew to discuss the New York Times Room for Debate called Testing Students’ True Grit. It’s four brief articles, so try to have read them all.

Your third essay is due on Friday, March 25 in class and should be over the topic of marijuana legalization or the Confederate flag. The essay is due in class on Friday.  If you are leaving early for break, you will need to make arrangements to submit the essay to me before leaving. There are […]