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Kitchen Chat and more…
Phasellus sit amet odio eros. Ut sagittis metus volutpat eros bibendum accumsan. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In scelerisque aliquam tincidunt. Duis quis dui ac augue hendrerit elementum. Phasellus risus mauris, volutpat eget molestie vel, rhoncus eu lorem. Morbi a nisi quam.
Integer consequat iaculis sollicitudin. Donec faucibus urna mattis ipsum egestas ullamcorper. Nam semper lacinia blandit. Integer aliquet quam sit amet nibh posuere pharetra. Fusce fermentum, neque ut tincidunt suscipit, tortor mauris placerat augue, at ultricies tortor ante id est.
If you look below, you can see all of the stories that you need to know, the authors, and some sample questions. Review the stories you don’t remember as well and the notes. Your Grapes of Wrath final draft must be delivered to me by 3:20 on Monday, with no exceptions.