How do you format it?

  • I would prefer 10 point font, to save the trees. Stick with a legible, easy to read font. 1″ margins are certainly wide enough.
  • Double space the essay body, but you can single space the header. The header should include your name and the essay, as noted below.
  • Sample formatting here.
  • You do not need a title

How Do I Set Margins?

How do you send it?

If you are not turning in a physical copy of the essay, you will need to share it in Google Docs with me ( as a collaborator. If you can’t remember how to do this, refer to this excellent resource page for Google Docs.



87632_f260.jpgEnglish III is the study of American literature. More to come soon. In the meantime, please enjoy Henry David Thoreau’s blog.

carnegie.jpgSpeech is an elective open to students in all grades. There will certainly be more to come later.

In AP, we will work on helping you to become a stronger writer and more critical thinker. We will focus on deep criticismalt of literature and effective writing. In the words of the critic Northrop Frye, “The skill developed from constant practice in the direct experience of literature is a special skill, like playing the piano, not the expression of a general attitude to life, like singing in the shower.”

Our goal will be to appreciate literature on this more analytical level, as critics, not merely readers. We will write, perhaps more than you ever have, and discuss in depth issues from the classroom content and outside. If everything goes as planned, this will be a course that will provide a constant challenge as well as a frequent source of amusement.



nixon_kennedy.jpgDebate is an elective open to students in all grades. My goal is to help you become a more critical consumer of argumentation and someone whose insight is not limited to sound bites, but in-depth understanding. We are going to learn about the foundations of argument, techniques for persuasion, and tools for evaluating the advocacy of others. In the mix, we might also throw in some philosophy, ethics, current events, great films, and more.