Final over Waiting for Godot and The Stranger
- In what sense does Meursault triumph at the end of The Stranger? (This was what Camus intended, but you’re welcome to argue that, in fact, Meursault doesn’t triumph
at all.) Does Meursault overcome society’s judgment, and thereby, its shackles? Or is it more important that he rebelled against conformity?
- Does Meursault’s passivity in the face of his punishment replicate the passivity shown by the protagonists in Waiting for Godot or does each work make a distinct argument about accepting one’s fate?
- In Camus’, The Myth of Sisyphus, he portrays man as having a “wild longing for clarity.” (Sisyphus P. 445) That which seemed clear has turned out to highlight one’s ignorance and gives one “nostalgia” for understanding, meaning, and clarity. This “nostalgia” for meaning consumes one’s existence. How do Meursault, Vladimir, and Estragon prove or disprove Camus’ claim?
- If Waiting for Godot is moralistic in nature, what is the moral? How does the play instruct us to lead our lives? Or is there no moral, no lesson to be learned from the play?
- Michael Delahoyde argues that “in Meursault’s case, he wanted to be free from hope because hope meant that there was some disconnection between who he should attain to be and who he actually was. He wanted to just blend perfectly into his environment and no longer have to bear the burden of proving to the rest of the world he existed in their terms.” Is Delahoyde’s interpretation correct and does Mersault achieve his aim?
- In his introduction to the American version of The Stranger, Camus wrote, “Meursault is not a piece of social wreckage, but a poor and naked man enamored of a sun that leaves no shadows. Far from being bereft of all feelings, he is animated by a passion that is deep because it is stubborn, a passion for the absolute and for truth.” In what ways does Meursault demonstrate this passion and what does it mean?
Heart of Darkness Research Paper
The Heart of Darkness research paper final draft is due Friday, January 20th at 11:59 p.m. and should be submitted to