Classroom Page

The test for Antony and Cleopatra is tomorrow. Enjoy questions like these:
- Does Shakespeare intend for the audience to feel sympathy for Cleopatra at the end of the play?
- Based on Aristotle's definition of a tragedy, is Antony a tragic figure?
- What thematic/symbolic purpose does Enobarbus serve?
- Is Cleopatra a sexist representation of womyn or a strong feminist character?
Take this mighty quiz .
- Ben wonders if identity isn't usually just becoming what other people want you to be.
- katieg explores the nature of free will and existentialism.
- Kelsey examines the episode at Liberty Paints, but finds the symbolism a little obvious.
- Crazydream explores the idea of the disposessed.
- delack writes about other forms of discrimination that are occuring in schools.
There are some really interesting ideas and comments in the Invisible Man blogs being produced by the World Literature students.
Check them out, and add your own comments here.