Your fifth exciting essay is due on Sunday, November 4 at noon and is the same topic we used for the test on Thursday. The essay you submit should reflect substantial revision from the essay you wrote in class unless a) you are incredibly brilliant and or b) you don’t want to have the chance to revise this piece.

The prompt is located in the Downloads folder. Please read it carefully to make sure you meet all of the requirements of the essay.

  1. F. Scott Fitzgerald famously said that “there are no second acts in American lives.” Do the life and death of Jay Gatsby demonstrate this claim or refute it? Does the novel ultimately argue that one can never re-invent himself? Do we have the capacity to become someone entirely new if we commit to the new person or will the ghosts of the past always pull us back?
  2. How does the motif of accidents reflect the cynicism of the Modernist worldview?
  3. What is ultimately the most to blame for the tragic end of the novel: Tom’s philandering, Gatsby’s nostalgic desire for the past, Daisy’s selfishness, or Nick’s silence?
  4. Fitzgerald is known as the preeminent chronicler of the Jazz Age, perhaps better depicting its excesses and virtues better than anyone. How does Nick Caraway demonstrate both attraction to and repulsion from the lives of the incredibly rich inhabitants of Long Island?
  5. Does the novel argue that Jay Gatsby is a tragic hero responsible for his own downfall or is it a critique of a society in which romanticism is no longer allowed/permitted?

Your revisions for your welfare essay will be due in class on Thursday, October 4. Please make sure that you have highlighted/bolded all changes, included the checklist, and stapled all three parts together for class.

Some additional resources to use:

Make sure that your revisions reflect careful work that has been proofread and reviewed carefully.

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Honors English 2

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If you have not taken the Unit 1: Rhetoric Test, please remember that you need to complete it by this Thursday (one week from the original date).

If you would like to take the test a second time to improve your grade, you can schedule a time as early as Tuesday of this week but must complete the retake by Tuesday, September 25.

A few notes about the retake:

  • You are not guaranteed to increase your score. Your grade for the test will be score you receive on the second try.
  • The notes for the unit are still available in the downloads section of the website.
  • You should consider reading the sample paragraph responses. Those will give you a sense of why your original answers did not receive as many points as they could have.