The notes on naysayers (and all writing notes) are located here, in the Writing Guide.

Using Google Documents


Using Google Calendar

To add the AP Language calendar to your Google Calendar, just click this link and then the icon at the bottom right corner of the page.

Vocabulary and Definitions

Week 1 Week 6 Week 11 Week 16 Week 21 Week 26
Week 2 Week 7 Week 12 Week 17 Week 22 Week 27
Week 3 Week 8 Week 13 Week 18 Week 23 Week 28
Week 4 Week 9 Week 14 Week 19 Week 24 Week 29
Week 5 Week 10 Week 15 Week 20 Week 25  

Rhetorical Terms

Week 1-2 Week 5 Week 8
Week 3 Week 6 Week 9
Week 4 Week 7  

The end of summer is approaching. 

Let’s imagine that you are enrolled in AP Language at Helena High next year or know someone who is. You might want to visit or suggest that they do. 🙂

There are some great, fascinating books there, and I’d be happy to answer questions you might have.