As you begin your work on the propaganda research paper, I’ve put together some resources you might find useful. This is a very demanding assignment, so please begin research and writing as soon as you can.

The Assignment
  • The prompt is located here.
  • The first draft is due on December 24 at 3:00 p.m. and the final draft will be due on January 12, 2013.
Sample Papers

You may not use the topics in either of these papers, but they do provide  excellent examples of  effective responses to the topic.

Resources for Writing a Research Paper

No doubt fortified by a few days off and at least one incredibly large meal, you are certainly ready for some additional writing once we return from break, so I thought I’d go ahead and give you your next two writing prompts. Both can be downloaded here if you are feeling ambitious about getting started.

Essay 8: Argument Choice

Your next essay is another argument, this time with a choice of topics. Building from the introduction practice we did last week, I’d like you to complete one of the essays as a fully developed response of 800-1300 words.

Because we have switched quarters, the deadlines have changed. Periods 3/4 will have their essays due on Saturday, December 1 and Periods 5/6 will have theirs due on Sunday, December 2. The deadline is 1:00 p.m. for all four classes.

In an exciting twist, this essay is likely to be one draft only. No revisions. That should provide incentive for a bit of proofreading and careful consideration before submission.

Essay 9: Propaganda Research Paper

Your next assignment will be to research and write about a propaganda event or campaign. This will require some research and planning, so I would start thinking about a topic really soon.

The first draft of this paper will be due on December 22, 2012, with the final draft due the last day before finals.

The research paper is an individual project this time.

The test over the education unit will have two portions: one section of paragraph responses and one section of essay response.

Read more

The time for the education reform paper and project deadline is drawing near. Some of the important details you should be aware of are listed below.


  • The paper is due on Wednesday, November 21st at 3:15. You must submit it to
  • The one-sheet information guide and multimedia presentation are due on Wednesday at 3:15 as well. Please submit these as attachments, sent to my e-mail:


I will be able to look over drafts over the weekend, but starting on Monday, my time will be very limited. For more extensive commentary, please send a draft to me by Saturday/early Sunday. The deadline for my comments and revision will be Monday night.


One last article for the teams working on teacher evaluation is located here. Oh, and another.

This week’s writing assignment involves practicing our old friends introductions, topic sentences, and thesis statements. For each of the three prompts, you will need to write an interesting introduction, clear thesis statement and effective topic sentences.

The assignment is due (printed and ready to turn in) at the start of class on Tuesday and can be downloaded here.