I managed to forget to post last week, so here is a super-sized edition of the Weekly reads, including looks at the benefits of gossip, arguments for and against Jonathan Kozol, what makes a child prodigy,  the conservative case for football and more. Enjoy!

Read more

During the November 12 Discussion Group, we’ll be discussing the article No Offense: The New Threats to Free Speech by John O’Sullivan.

We meet at Scenic Brew at 7:30. Be there for a good discussion with some delightful people.

The article we’re reading for class tomorrow, Mark Slouka’s Dehumanized, generated a lot of debate when it came out. Here are some additional resources about the piece you may want to take a look at:



The Assignment

  • The prompt is located here.
  • The paper is due on Wednesday, November 27th at 11:59. All three pieces must be submitted to me, probably via e-mail to preserve formatting.


  • MLA formatting tips

These are the two videos from Ken Robinson about education I’d like the class to view and discuss today.