Your third writing task this quarter is a slight change of pace. Instead of a formal persuasive essay, you’ll be writing a creative response that captures the style and mood of F. Scott Fitzgerald.

It will be due at noon on Sunday, October 9. Read the specific details of the assignment here.

Your 1.1 revision of the Columbus Day is due on Wednesday, September 28 in class. While this is only a two-paragraph revision, it’s important that this revision reflect careful editing and attention to detail. There should be no errors in this revision!



These links will be live by 7th period today.


You will all receive your high school sports first drafts back by Wednesday in class. If you are satisfied with your grade on the paper, please place it in your folder in the back of the classroom.

If you would like to revise, the revision is due in class on Monday, September 19. All revisions this year need to be printed, with the newest draft stapled in front of all previous drafts. Please do not e-mail or resubmit revisions via Google Docs. I will not accept revisions missing the first draft with my comments.

While you will receive individualized comments on your papers, I have produced a revision guide you can begin to use now. Please see the attached file for hints and suggestions about how you can begin the work of improving your paper before you read my comments. The best way to learn to become an effective writing is to combine the suggestions of an instructor with your own insight into how you can make your work better. Consider having a peer or another person review your paper using this revision guide as a checklist.

And don’t forget the original post, which has notes on introductions, naysayers, topic sentences, and more.


For AP Lang

Each student should read at least five of the essays in The New Kings of Non-Fiction, edited by Ira Glass, ISBN 9781594482670. In addition, each student should read at least one more work from this list of texts. When you return to school in the fall, you should be able to write intelligently about the ideas, arguments, concepts, and writing style of each work. Pay particular attention to the central argument(s) of each work, and how the author connects with her audience. Some of these works are very challenging; make sure to read carefully and consider finding a partner to read and discuss the text with you.

 Enjoy the reading! Don’t treat it as a chore, but an opportunity to read something interesting and engaging.

 A final suggestion would be to read as many articles from quality magazines like The Atlantic, The New Yorker, and/or Harper’s Magazine during the summer as you can, paying attention to argument, style, and structure.

For AP Lit

Coming soon!

As you begin your work on the propaganda research paper, I’ve put together some resources you might find useful. This is a very demanding assignment, so please begin research and writing as soon as you can.

The Assignment
  • The prompt is located here.
  • The final draft of the paper will be due on May 20 at 6:00 p.m. You may submit complete drafts for my revision and comment before then, but as we get closer to the due date, my button-download 2comments are likely to become less extensive. Start now!
  • I’ve done research on 20+ topics. You can access those articles here.
Sample Papers

You may not use the topics in either of these papers, but they do provide  excellent examples of  effective responses to the topic.

Resources for Writing a Research Paper