The latest news from the Joomla! Team

The link to the discussion group has moved a bit, to the picture menu on the far right of the site.

You could also probably just directly download the reading for tonight, but I didn’t want anyone to get lost.

Have a great summer everyone. Read some good books and enjoy some quality time out in the woods. 🙂


author.jpg.jpgSince it’s been almost two months, I decided it was time to try a new look for the site. I am hoping to have something a bit cleaner that emphasizes the information that is most important.

What do you think?

The site has been updated to the latest version of the software. I hope that everything is working, but if you notice missing content or errors, I would really appreciate learning about it. Just drop me an e-mail with as much detail as possible.

A few features did not make the transition over, so if you’d like, you may need to put up a new picture of yourself and re-add your connections–not that those features ever got a lot of use.

If you need to access the old briefcase system, visit the old site. I will keep it running for awhile. You can access it here: