The latest news from the Joomla! Team

The New York Times has posted an interesting set of responses from college admissions counselors about getting into selective schools that might be of some interest to you. While some of responses seem like standard admissions-speak, the responses do contain some potentially valuable insight. One of the admissions counselors explained the process in a way that might change your perspective a bit:

Jeff Brenzel of Yale University: It is not well understood that we are not aiming to pick out the best candidate in a particular school or from a particular area, as measured by some predetermined criteria. Rather, we are trying to assemble the most varied and most interesting class we can from an extremely diverse group of close to 25,000 outstanding applicants. We do not aim to compare a student primarily with other students from his or her school; we look instead for students who will bring something of particular value to the entering class.

As you may have noticed, I have made a few changes to the layout and functionality of the site. The new appearance, while simpler, should be faster loading. I’ve posted a poll on the right hand side of the site for you to indicate your preferences, if any. I’d appreciate it if you took a second to answer the question.

I’ve also added a completely new section. If you are logged in, you will see a menu item at the top called “Community.” What it does should be familiar to most of you. I’d appreciate it if you played around with it and saw what worked and didn’t.

Finally, I have tried to clean up all of the links on the site. If you notice any errors, drop me a line.

I hope you’re all enjoying your break.

If you have missed a quiz in AP English IV or English III, don’t forget that you need to get a blog done for each quiz that you have missed. Wondering what a good blog entry looks like? This page has some sample thoughtful entries.

The world is waiting for your deep insight about literature.


If you are wondering where you vote, this map from Google will give you the location of your voting station. If you are going to be 18, vote. It is only your future after all. 🙂