Best of luck to the football team tonight against Capital. With a picture this random to support you, how can you lose?
The latest news from the Joomla! Team
Yes, the site has changed one more time, but it may be temporary. A few people thought that the black background with light text was hard to read, so I have implemented another look for the site. You can vote in the poll on the right, if such aesthetic concerns matter to you. 🙂
Best of luck to the football and volleyball teams in their playoff games tonight.
Congratulations to the soccer team for winning state.
In theory, to celebrate such a state championship, it's possible that I won't mind if essays don't arrive until Tuesday at 8:00 p.m.
Go see "Once" at the Myrna Loy. It's a musical that even someone who hates musicals (hypothetically) could love.
Check out the movie web site . That'll probably tell you if this is the movie for you.