Entries by dpogreba

Rat Brains!

Scientists at Duke University have wired the brains of two rats together, with fascinating results: It’s not exactly a Vulcan mind meld, but it’s not far off. Scientists have wired the brains of two rats together and shown that signals from one rat’s brain can help the second rat solve a problem it would otherwise […]

The Fight Against Online Bullying

The Atlantic’s Emily Bazelon took a look into the effort by organizations as diverse as Facebook and the hacker collective Anonymous to battle online harassment and bullying, an experience that over 800,000 people under the age of eighteen experienced last year. One of the things she learned was that Facebook spends as little time as […]

Are Charter Schools Gaming the System to Get the Best Students?

A Reuters investigation of charter schools finds that many use elaborate strategies to ensure that they get the best students in their schools: Thousands of charter schools don’t provide subsidized lunches, putting them out of reach for families in poverty.  Hundreds mandate that parents spend hours doing “volunteer” work for the school or risk losing […]

Dolphins Identify Each Other by Name

NPR is reporting that a recent study shows that dolphins have the ability to call each other by name, making them the first animals researchers have proven do so: Science continues to show that what we think makes us human may not be so unique: New research finds that bottlenose dolphins call the “names of […]

John Steinbeck on Love

Since it’s Valentine’s Day and we are finishing a test over The Grapes of Wrath, it seems appropriate to hear what John Steinbeck thought about love. He wrote the following letter to his son who had recently written the family to tell them that he had fallen in love with a girl named Susan.   […]