Entries by dpogreba

Why Did the United States Fail to Intervene in Rwanda?

In an excellent piece written back in 2001, Samatha Power tries to understand why the United States and the rest of the international community failed to intervene to prevent the Rwandan genocide. The piece opens: In the course of a hundred days in 1994 the Hutu government of Rwanda and its extremist allies very nearly […]

Should We Require Americans To Vote?

Norman Ornstein argues that American political life would be improved if every American was required to vote: Indeed, there is a case to be made that the sharp polarization and tribalism that has come to dominate Washington has metastasized to the American public, and that the center of the electorate–nearly invisible in Congress–will soon be […]

A Uniquely American Way to Honor the Dead?

A company in Alabama will take the cremated remains of a loved one and load them in shotgun shells. No, really. When your loved one dies, how would you like to dispose of their ashes? You could scatter them somewhere sentimental. You could keep them in your house. Or you could load them into shotgun […]

Carson Analysis Essay

Your next essay will be due in class on Friday, March 8th and is an analysis of a piece by Rachel Carson. You’re on your own this time, but don’t be afraid to review any of the materials we’ve discussed for the previous essays. The prompt Instructions for writing an analysis essay The Writing Guide

The Law of Averageness

Why does it seem like everything is the same these days (cue old man voice)? Why do Burger King and McDonald’s offer indistinguishable chicken salads—often right across the street from each other? Why do Home Depot and Lowe’s outlets huddle near each other like lovelorn teenagers? Why is Coke so much like Pepsi?They’re just obeying […]