Entries by dpogreba

An Excellent Summary of Existentialism

From Gary Cox’s How to Be an Existentialist or How to Get Real, Get a Grip and Stop Making Excuses: None of us are fixed entities like chairs or stones, but indeterminate, ambiguous beings in constant process of becoming and change. We are all free and can’t stop being free. We are all responsible for […]

Accelerated College Degrees Would Save Trillions

Writing in The American, Reuven Brenner argues that we need to reject the traditional four year model for a college degree: There are at least 16 million youngsters enrolled in post-secondary education, with approximately 4 million graduating every year. Assume that from now on, each year, 4 million students join the labor force a year […]

Is Health Care a Right?

Advocates for universal health are often heard declaring that health care should be a “universal right.” Avik Roy, at Forbes, argues that whether one considers health care a positive or negative right, the claim is problematic: It’s a great applause line, isn’t it, to say that “health care is a universal human right.” But after […]

What Do Animals Feel and Think?

While Descartes famously argued that animals “eat without pleasure, cry without pain, grow without knowing it; they desire nothing, fear nothing, know nothing,” modern scientific research is demonstrating that they may have much more cognitive capacity than we have recognized.  John Jeremiah Sullivan explains in Lapham’s Quarterly: New animal behaviors and capacities are observed in […]

What Does Poverty Mean in the World?

Artist Stefen Chow and economist Lin Hui-Yi wanted to visually represent what poverty means in different parts of the world and created a project called The Poverty Line, which shows “visual portrayal of items found in that country that could be bought by a person living at the poverty line.” For developed countries, where there […]