Entries by dpogreba

We’re Doomed, So Let’s Use Fracking and Nuclear Power

Famed environmentalist James Lovelock believes that humanity and the planet are in tremendous peril, so we ought to use all the technologies available to us to buy time: One of the reasons why Lovelock has long supported nuclear power is that its impact on the environment has been vastly less malignant, even in cases of […]

Politics and Protest Unit

In the event you’ve misplaced or forgotten your packet for the Politics and Protest unit, you can download the readings here. The first assignment, for Monday, April 8th is to read the pieces by Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine. Make sure to thoroughly annotate the articles, looking for: clever uses of language elements of persuasion […]

Enjoy Your Spring Break

  These I singing in spring collect for lovers, (For who but I should understand lovers and all their sorrow and joy? And who but I should be the poet of comrades?) Collecting I traverse the garden the world, but soon I pass the gates, Now along the pond-side, now wading in a little, fearing […]

Why We’re Americans Today

It was the work of a couple of cartographers: We call ourselves Americans today because of the map’s makers, Martin Waldseemüller and Mathias Ringmann, young clerics in the cathedral village of St.-Dié, France. By incorporating early New World discoveries, their map reached beyond the canonical descriptions of Old World geography handed down from Ptolemy in […]