Entries by dpogreba

The Impact of Jackie Robinson

While the film 42 demonstrates the unbelievable courage of Jackie Robinson when he integrated Major League baseball in the 1940s, it doesn’t tell the whole story, which was the achievement of civil rights activists and journalists as well: As an activist himself, Robinson would likely have been disappointed by a film that ignored the centrality […]

ACT Test Preparation

Weekend review sessions: Saturday at 1:00 p.m. in Room 14 Sunday at 3:00 p.m. in Room 14 I’ll leave the History hallway door open. Please be on time so we can all begin at the same time.

A One Way Ticket to Mars

The most expensive part of any human-piloted space exploration is the return trip. Nobel prize winning physicist Gerard ‘t Hooft proposes sending humans to Mars on a one way trip: It would not surprise me if it takes Mars One more than 10 years to put the first humans on Mars, and I can imagine […]

Does Fairness Demand Just Punishment?

Jenny Diski asks what constitutes fairness and whether or not we’d be better off ensuring that the vicious pay for their actions: I’m not sure if this is exactly a sense of fairness. If so, it is a limited, unidirectional sense. Perhaps a sense of unfairness precedes the more general idea. I imagine a full […]

On Resistance to Civil Government Tomorrow, Too

We’re going to continue our discussion of On Resistance to Civil Government in class on Wednesday. If, for some reason, you have not completed your annotation or Thoreau reading (hah!) take the opportunity to do so this evening. As Thoreau said: All endeavor calls for the ability to tramp the last mile, shape the last […]