Entries by dpogreba

AP Essay #4: Creative or Argumentative Option

For the fourth AP essay, you can either choose to write an argumentative essay or a creative response about The Great Gatsby. If you choose to do the argumentative essay, choose from one of the essays one of the other classes did last week. In other words, if you were in Period 1, you can either […]

Revisions for the Week of 06 October 2014

Revisions for the Options (Voting, War, Welfare) Essays Deadlines Period 2/5: Wednesday, in class Period 1: Thursday, in class Late Period 2/5: Thursday in class Resources You Might Consider Using Proofing Guide Writing Guide Topic Sentence Cheat Sheet The Ten Rules of Paper Writing Pogreba  

Interesting Reads 03 October 2014

This week’s interesting reads include articles about people locked up in jail without a trial, how the law victimizes those who have been abused, the myth of the self-made man, the cost of fighting ISIS and more. Cheerful stuff to enjoy on a beautiful fall day!

Third Persuasive Essay for AP Language

Your third persuasive essay for AP Language is due this Sunday, October 5th at 1:00 p.m. There is one change this week: instead of one prompt for all three classes, I’ve posted a different prompt for each class. Make sure that you do the assignment for your class. The others may appear later. You will […]