Entries by dpogreba

AP Essays: Things To Consider

Just a couple of links you might be interested in before you send your essay: How Do I Embed Quotations ? What format would Mr. Pogreba prefer ? (Ignore the e-mail part. Use the Briefcase The Essay Portfolio Briefcase is where ?

Examples of Quality, Thoughtful Blog Posts

Wondering what constitutes a thoughtful blog post? These are some examples. Sonny's Blues I really love this story. I think the fact that it’s about music touched a vein of mine, but I’m pretty sure you could substitute any kind of life work. I really think it’s beautiful the way Baldwin describes life as beautiful, […]

AP Titles for 2007-08

The following are the results of the class votes for novel/play selections: Weighty Classics Invisible Man (36) Great Expectations (3)  Rural Tales of Redemption Resurrection (23) As I Lay Dying (1) The Road (15) Finding the Self Siddhartha (17) One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (9) The Lake of the Woods (13) African […]