Entries by dpogreba

From the Blogs: Thoughts About Antigone

Some interesting thoughts in the blogs about poor Antigone in the past week: Kelsey wonders how Antigone relates to modern feminism. Chris examines the play in the context of modern depictions of violence. Dpogreba wonders if the play might not be an Aristotelian tragedy. Mgilbert ponders the destructiveness of technology in the context of the […]


AP students in period three, I might have given you 10 more pages than I intended to. You should read to page 263 for class tomorrow.

AP Essay #1: Meta-Thoughts

A few big picture thoughts about the first set of essays that I received on Sunday. Really nice work for the most part in terms of proofing your work. I was happy not to be working on much grammar/usage. Thanks for being on time with your essays. That helps a lot. Novel/Play selection needs to […]

Antigone: A Tragedy, But Not an Aristotelian One?

Aristotle, though a huge fan of Sophocles, was apparently not a huge fan of Antigone, which he argued suffered from a "poor plot." For Aristotle, the play's least tragic figure is Haemon, who has the opportunity to become a tragic hero, but does not, when he chooses to walk away rather than challenge his father. […]