Entries by dpogreba

News and Notes

News and Notes A couple of quick notes: Grades are updated and posted for mid-terms. There is a new link under the AP menu called "This Week in AP." Check there for weekly vocabulary and essay assignments. 

Thoreau’s Blogging

You can't keep a good man down. Simplify, simplify, simplify ! A great post from September 25 (1851): Some men are excited by the smell of burning powder, but I thought in my dream last night how much saner to be excited by the smell of new bread. 

Sample of Beowulf Style Poetry

The translation we are using for class is a reasonably good one, but doesn't make the division of lines as clear as it could. The following translation should give you a better sense of what Old English poetry might look like: Then the angry sea-wolf               swam to the bottom […]

History Lesson #1

I've posted a timeline of the events of the classical foundations world to help give you a little bit of context.  You don't need to know it, but you can download it here. This map is a representation of the peak of the Islamic Caliphate, the territory controlled by Muslims at their peak, in about […]