Entries by dpogreba

A Note on the Banality of Evil

From "Eichmann, the Banality of Evil, and Thinking in Arendt's Thought" by Bethnia Assy Eichmann in Jerusalem (2) was originated when Hannah Arendt went to Jerusalem in order to report, for The New Yorker, on the trial of Otto Adolf Eichmann, (3) who was acused of crimes against the Jewish people, crimes against humanity, and […]

Newsweek Story About Tolstoy

This is the link to the Tolstoy article in Newsweek that Joe mentioned in class today:  "War and Peace" still looms large over the literary landscape, intimidating readers and writers much as it has for the last century and a half. Hemingway, as competitive as he was insecure, playfully talked about getting in the ring […]

Will Being Polite Get You Into College?

It just might : Mr. Washington said that he was seeing more thank-you notes than ever, and that Lehigh received 50 or 60 in just one day last week. The notes are directed not just to admissions officers, but also to college tour guides and alumni who are often the ones most likely to be […]

Sleep More.

You need to get more sleep: The surprise is how much sleep affects academic performance and emotional stability, as well as phenomena that we assumed to be entirely unrelated, such as the international obesity epidemic and the rise of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A few scientists theorize that sleep problems during formative years can cause […]