Entries by dpogreba

Heat: Bill Buford

A little rough towards the end, as the specific details of his life as a butcher seemed to overwhelm the author and certainly overwhelmed me, but overall, a funny, interesting look at a couple of worlds that few of us get exposed to: the inside of an elite restaurant's kitchen, and the kitchens where Italian […]

Tolstoy’s Resurrection Today

I've recently finished my favorite book by Leo Tolstoy, Resurrection, and once again, have been struck by how powerfully Tolstoy's critique of the banality of evil resonates today. There are so many powerful passages in this novel, but I wanted to highlight a few that I thought were especially thought-provoking. On Rounding Up Prisoners or […]

Resurrection Exam Questions

Period 3 What is the meaning of the term Resurrection? To whom does it apply more, Maslova or Nehklyudov? What sacrifices are necessary for resurrection to occur? Discuss Tolstoy's definition of the meaning of Christian love and his exploration of the ways that it is perverted and exploited by society and churches. Discuss Tolstoy's view […]

Anton Chekhov on Tolstoy

"When literature possesses a Tolstoy, it is easy and pleasant to be a writer; even when you know you have achieved nothing yourself and are still achieving nothing, this is not as terrible as it might otherwise be, because Tolstoy achieves for everyone. What he does serves to justify all the hopes and aspirations invested […]