Entries by dpogreba

AP Classes: Don’t Forget Invisible Man!

Don't forget to read the first 70 pages of Invisible Man for class on Monday. On the bright side, they are amazing.  If you did not get a book or know someone who did not, let me know, and I will get them a copy to read. Enjoy the rest of your break. 

Translation Wars

I had a bit of of slowdown in the re-reading of War and Peace with the decision to switch translations, but have made it through the end of Part III, or the Russian defeat at Austerlitz. It was very difficult to find the Maude translation, but I'm happy to have made the switch. Just as […]

Discussion Group

There will indeed be a meeting of the Wednesday night discussion group this week at Fireside, 7:30 p.m.  Current and former members are more than welcome to attend.

A Sample of the Poems of the Day

Poem For People That Are Understandably Too Busy To Read Poetry by Stephen Dunn

Relax. This won't last long.
Or if it does, or if the lines
make you sleepy or bored,
give in to sleep, turn o­n
the T.V., deal the cards.