Entries by dpogreba

A Couple of Random Thoughts about Things Fall Apart

I would hold off reading these until you complete the book, but last year I posted some passages about the novel that you might find interesting:  A passage about Okonkwo sowing the seeds of his own destruction Some thoughts about tragedy and the artistry of the work Two ways of reading about Ikemefuna I’ve also […]

Psychoanalytic Criticism

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) §  Most significant works were The Significance of Dreams (1900) and On Psychotherapy (1905) §  Developed numerous theories (or models) of human behavior. §  For Freud, the most powerful motivator of humans is sexuality. o    Dynamic Model of Human Psyche §  Human mind is divided into two parts ·         The Conscious Mind-rational […]

Last Note About Invisible Man tests

I’m feeling the need to be really clear about these essays that are due tonight. If you do not submit them to me properly, I will not look for them or ask you about them on Wednesday.

Both systems are incredibly easy to use, and you can use either of them.  Both have double checks in place.

  • In the Google Documents system, if you have succesfully shared the file with me (just invite me as a collaborator), my name will appear after the document in your list of documents.
  • In the Briefcase (old system) if you have succesfully shared the file with me, my name will appear under the "Shared With" column.
  • Oh, and in case you can’t find the information about using Google Docs, it’s right below you, here .

Please double check that you have done this correctly, and enjoy the rest of your break.

Click on Read More to see who I have received tests from. 

Things Fall Apart Books

Some of you seem to not have copies of Things Fall Apart, which is a bit surprising. If you need a copy, I will go to school tonight and get a stack of them. I will leave them in my mailbox at 1046 E. 6th Ave from roughly 8 p.m. tonight until 4 p.m. Monday.  […]

Christmas Break Work

A few thoughts about the Christmas Break work: The Invisible Man test is located here , if you have misplaced it. Please use the new upload system to submit your test. Make sure that you share the document when you are done. The old system is located here . There’s really no great reason to […]