Entries by dpogreba

The Shame of the Nation: Jonathan Kozol

Everyone is talking about reforming schools, from Presidential candidates to parents. Unfortunately, far too often the discussion is about reforming middle class schools to make their students more competitive in the world economy or about punishing the schools attended by lower class students, to make politicians pretend to care about the plight of inner city […]

Explicate This!

Okay, not really…but read it and think about it. Maybe even write a comment about it. Some Nights Are Difficult for Me, Listen by James Tipton Some nights are difficult for me, listen: I want to talk about that hunger that rises up in the old house; I want to talk about the loneliness that […]


Definition of an Archetype ARCHETYPE –The model of a person, personality or behavior from which later examples are developed. What is an archetype? Well, if you looked in A Handbook to Literature, you would find three paragraphs about archetypes. It begins… “ This literary term applies to an image, a descriptive detail, a plot pattern, […]

Writing Guide Index

Literature and Poetry   Archetypes Hero Journey Symbolism Close Reading of Literature Honors Reading List Poetic Forms and Genre Poetry Terms 48 Tone Words DIDLS