Entries by dpogreba

Beowulf Reading Guide

Collected Beowulf Resources “It is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning.“ The Character Map shows the relationships between the characters in the poem, but does have a few spoilers. Introduction to Beowulf is a a great starting point for information about the poem. The Wikipedia Entry for Beowulf could certainly […]

AP English IV: Literature

In AP, we will work on helping you to become a stronger writer and more critical thinker. We will focus on deep criticism of literature and effective writing. In the words of the critic Northrop Frye, “The skill developed from constant practice in the direct experience of literature is a special skill, like playing the […]

Debate Class

Debate is an elective open to students in all grades. My goal is to help you become a more critical consumer of argumentation and someone whose insight is not limited to sound bites, but in-depth understanding. We are going to learn about the foundations of argument, techniques for persuasion, and tools for evaluating the advocacy […]