Entries by dpogreba

Detailed Outline of the Open Response

General Information This guide is meant as a starting point. You can certainly experiment with form and I do not intend to constrain your writing, but until you’ve mastered the basic concepts of this response, this sample outline should provide a strong foundation. This sample outline uses the novel Huck Finn to answer the prompt […]

This Week in English III

Week of 01 March 2010: Compulsory Voting Essay (due Tuesday), Vocab Unit 1, 4-6 Week of 08 March 2010: Gatsby Exam (Tuesday), MUSWA (Wednesday), Vocab Unit 1, 5-7 Week of 15 March 2010:Vocab Unit 1, 6-8 Week of 22 March 2010: Modern American Fiction Test and Vocab Unit 1, 7-9

AP Mind Torn Asunder Essays

Reading and Revising Your Essays The best way to see the comments would be to download your essay from this folder. If you have Microsoft Word, download the essay in that format and you can click on each of the comments to see exactly what the problem area was. If not, download the PDF version, […]

Easy Essay Submission

How do you format it? I would prefer 10 point font, to save the trees. Stick with a legible, easy to read font. 1″ margins are certainly wide enough. Double space the essay body, but you can single space the header. The header should include your name and the essay, as noted below. Sample formatting […]

AP Essay Submission

The first AP essay (Mind Torn Asunder) is due Friday in class. If you would like to submit it electronically, it can be turned in until 1:00 p.m. on Sunday.