Entries by dpogreba

AP: Classical Foundations Exam

The Classical Foundations exam is still a week away, but there’s no time like the present, if you’d like to download the complete set of notes for the exam. Either click on the picture or go to the Classical Foundations folder in the AP downloads. It’s a big file, so be patient about downloading and […]

Deep Thought for the Day

Mark Edmunson, in the New York Times: …In what’s called the civilized world, the great enemy of knowledge isn’t ignorance, though ignorance will do in a pinch. The great enemy of knowledge is knowingness. It’s the feeling encouraged by TV and movies and the Internet that you’re on top of things and in charge. You’re […]

Debate Class: Ancient Philosophy Test

If you are looking for the notes for the upcoming debate class test, you might want to take a peek at this folder. The test is likely to be Wednesday of next week, and will cover: Origins and meaning of philosophy Socrates Plato Aristotle Confucius Taoism