Entries by dpogreba

Get Bloggin’

If you have missed a quiz in AP English IV or English III, don’t forget that you need to get a blog done for each quiz that you have missed. Wondering what a good blog entry looks like? This page has some sample thoughtful entries. The world is waiting for your deep insight about literature. […]


If you are wondering where you vote, this map from Google will give you the location of your voting station. If you are going to be 18, vote. It is only your future after all. 🙂

An Interesting Approach for Getting into College

Wondering how to get into the college of your choice? Easy. Trash your opponents: In the competition to get into the most selective colleges, some students and their parents are resorting to a tasteless tactic: bashing other applicants. The letters, mailed to college admissions offices, typically arrive without a signature. They say rival applicants cheated […]

AP Essays

The essays for the next two weeks are posted. For this week, the essay is about a character who is a foil in a work of literature. If you are desperately looking for help with a college essay, I can look at one of those this weekend, instead. Next week, Sigmund Freud and Leo Tolstoy. […]

Essay Samples

I don’t have them to post yet, but I have sent out some requests for sample papers for you to check out. They will be appearing in this spot by Monday evening, I hope. Antigone Morally Ambiguous Character Past/Present