Entries by dpogreba

Propaganda Resources

As you begin your propaganda research, you might want to take a look at some of these samples of propaganda from around the world. Included are some video clips, historical posters, and more. Once this link rotates off the main page, you can find the link on the top AP Language menu under Web Links. […]

English III Writing Resources

As you work on your revisions and second persuasive essays, these are some resources that you might find helpful: Information about parenthetical citation (Purdue OWL, HHS Research Guidebook) Citation Makers for Works Cited Page (Citation Machine, Palomar Citation Generator) Embedding Quotations (Pogreba Writing Guide)

Propaganda Cartoons and Videos

This is a collection of propaganda cartoons used in the 1940s. dfd 1940s Loony Toons about Japan and Germany Walt Disney Anti-Nazi Cartoon Winnie the Pooh as Nazi Propaganda Soviet Hitler Cartoon Others Anti-Piracy Video Barry McNamara Video

Puritan Literature Test Questions

There will be five questions on the Puritan Literature test tomorrow. Each answer should be a full paragraph, with good supporting detail from the text.   How do the values expressed in “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” manifest themselves in “The Crucible”? How do the characters there demonstrate the beliefs and values […]